The Month of the Portrait, May 2012 at de Stoker Gallery in Amsterdam |
Brief Explanation of Music Theory |
Wild Garden Photos taken on Whit-Monday 2012
It was nice weather in Holland on Whit-Monday 2012 and I made a visit to a beautiful garden. Earlier I wrote about a painting I made from this garden in the post The Wild Garden.
This time I made some photos instead of painting. I had decided on typical botanical photos with blurry background also working very well for portraits. It is easy to make these photos with the Nikkor 55 – 300 lens with one and a half meter distance to the motive and then behind the motive it is nice to have some space as well. With such knowledgeable gardener nearby it was easy to ask what flower or bird I had on the picture. So I made notes and photos and here it is: Wild Garden Pictures with proper notes on what it all is.
Geranium clarkei Kashmir White
Papaver bracteatum
Silene dioica / Melandrium rubrum
Great Tit
Iris Germanica
Persicaria bistorta
Veronica filiformis
Centaurea montana
Crataegus laevigata Pauls Scarlet. Painted a branch Pauls Scarlet in 2008 at Aquarelmere.
Weigela Red Prince
Bellis perennis
Passer Domesticus
I moved from Sweden to The Netherlands in 1995.
Here on this site, you find my creations because that is what I do. I create.